Katie Tyndale·
Our top 5 tips for relieving exam stress!
It’s that time of year again (cue the groans). Although SATS are finally over (phew), there are lots of end-of-year exams just around the corner and GCSE’s are in full flow. And whilst we can’t take those exams away (sorry kids) we’re here to help with a few of our own tips for helping reduce those exam anxieties.
Bold Support·
DIY Slime Kit
I had a friend come and visit with her eight year old and, while trying to catch up and drink a cuppa while it was still hot, we needed to find something to keep her (and a 13 year old) entertained! I dug out our Slime Factory Kit....... The kit has everything needed to make two different slimes - just add a bowl for mixing and I also put down a cloth to protect my table from staining as we used food colouring. The first method used guar gum and warm water mixed together making a slimy ball You can...