Teacher ‘Thank You Gift’ ideas
As another School Year draws to a close, Great Little Rewards HQ have been thinking about gift ideas for the wonderful teachers who put up with look after our angelic little cherubs all day 😜.
 Conscious that yet another John Lewis voucher collection will start in our children’s school shortly, it got us thinking…. what do teachers really like to receive?
 So we’ve done a bit of research and here are our findings….
- Home-made cards
I for one am a total sucker for a home-made card. I have hundreds from my daughter for Mother’s Day, birthdays, Christmas etc. and absolutely LOVE them. They genuinely beat any gift I’ve ever received and it seems teachers completely agree.
 Why not spend some time at home with your child creating a lovely thank you card that they can keep and read for years to come? And parents, don’t forget to add a note yourselves as teachers LOVE to hear from you too.
 We have lots of stationery to help with your card making including our lovely sun & fun scented stickers & check our this website for some inspiration on messages you can write. We particularly love numbers 15 & 19.
- Home-made gifts
For the creatives out there, why not go the extra mile and make a gift to accompany your card. We’ve scoured the internet for ideas and here are 3 of our faves:
Sunflower pencil vase
 Decorate a vase with some brightly coloured pencils and pop some sunflowers inside for a perfectly sunny thank you gift. It’s so simple & pretty and would certainly put a smile on any teacher's face.
 DIY Iron-on tote
All you need is a plain tote, some sharpies and a stencil (optional) and you can create a gorgeous personalised thank you tote bag for your teacher. Add a personalised message to a tag once finished and your gift is ready for giving.
 Summer Relaxation Kit
It is so simple - just fill a beach bag with some summer essentials and voila, their summer relaxation kit is ready. We just love this idea & I’m sure most teachers will too.
Check out pinterest for more genius ideas.
- A personal thank you
What also struck us through our conversations with teachers is that they also absolutely love a personal thank you. While we may have loved our children’s teachers, do we always tell them how much we appreciate what they’ve done for our kids?
One teacher said that the best present they ever received was ‘a thank you letter from a parent outlining exactly why I'd made such a difference to her child’.
Take some time to tell your teachers the positive impact they’ve had. It’s simple, inexpensive and means a lot.
- Voucher collections
 Through our research it seems that although teachers really don’t expect anything, they really do appreciate the voucher collections, with John Lewis or Amazon being pretty popular choices.
 We did however come across a lovely response from a teacher online who said the best collection they ever received was £100 towards resources for their classroom. How lovely is that!
One to bear in mind if voucher collections are a thing in your School.
Whilst these are just a few of our thoughts, we’d absolutely love to hear from you too. What has been your best thank you gift yet?
What gifts have you made for your teachers?
 In the meantime - here’s wishing all our fabulous education staff a stress free remainder of the summer term and a fabulous summer break. We for one think you ABSOLUTELY deserve it!